Saturday, October 4, 2008

Yay for October.

October is my favorite month. It's the middle of the semester. I'm very stressed out about school and work. It doesn't really make much sense, because I have plenty of time to get all of my work done, and I definitely have the abilities to do well. The thing is.. I have a self-confidence problem. I just have this idea in my head that I can't do the things, that logically, I know I can do. This doesn't just apply to school or work but to most areas of my life.

I went home this past weekend. My mom had a box of books in the living room floor that she was going to give away. Of course I had to look through them all and make sure I didn't want them. I found this book: "The Ultimate Secrets of Total Self-Confidence." I need to know these secrets. I'm sure it will be a lot of stuff I've heard before, but it's always good to be reminded.

I'm also about to start reading "Jesus wants to Save Christians" by Rob Bell. We are going to have a little book club... kind of exciting.

I really want to make some big changes in the way I live my life. I have to take it a day at a time though.. and today I feel like I have every other day of my life. I just want to sit here and dream that I'm someone else, somewhere else. That doesn't get me much, though. I need to get some homework done, and I kind of want to paint a picture. I need to make my room look like a place someone would want to be and sleep. Right now it looks like a place where people pile up stuff that doesn't matter to them.

So I think I'm going to start painting since it seems like the most fun out of those options.

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