Thursday, September 18, 2008

I have a lot of work to do

Ok.. let me just start by telling you a little bit about myself. I just graduated from a very small christian liberal arts college in west Tennessee. I am now attending a freaking huge university in middle Tennessee. I'm getting my masters in computer information systems. The truth is I'm only doing it because I got a graduate assistantship so it is paid for, I didn't have any other plans for after graduation, and I always wanted to live in this area. Because of this, I have homework due at midnight that I really really don't want to do. I would have never chosen this major. It's just the offer I got. I didn't have a choice. I'm hoping things will just fall into place nicely like they've done before.

I decided to come back to blogspot. I have a myspace blog, a livejournal, and a xanga. But I want to write for the general public and pretend that someone will stumble across my blog and care what I have to say even though they have no idea who I am. It's nice to think about.

I've been writing songs lately. If you knew me you'd know that it's kind of weird for me to be writing songs. I want to put a music myspace. That's something no one would expect for me and that is half of it's appeal. The other half is that it gives me something to work at and think about that I actually enjoy. It's really helping me put off this homework, too.

That's all for now. I don't need to ramble too much on my first post. I doubt anyone will be reading this anyway.

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