I read through my old posts and realized I have some things to update. I finally finished reading the Harry Potter series. I thought it was good, but not something I would have regretted missing if I hadn't read it. I read it because so many of my friends talked about it so much and how good it was. I didn't like it as much as they all seem to. I didn't want to give in, but I did, and now I'm reading Twilight. I am enjoying it more than I should. I have a lot of trouble making myself put it down. It's way more my thing than Harry Potter is.
It's getting to the part of the break where I get sad, because I have nothing to do but sit at home (and read Twilight). I'm ready to get back to Murfreesboro and start work and classes again so I won't have so much time to sit around and feel sorry for myself.
I got this for Christmas:

The other night I made ratatouille and apple crumble. It was really fun. The most exciting thing about this present is that it was a surprise. It was wrapped and under the tree when I mentioned to my mom and sister that I wanted it. I had no idea they had gotten it for me already. I also bought a Wii yesterday with my Christmas money. I had to track one with itrackr.com because I couldn't find them anywhere, but I finally did.
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