Valentine's Day is not my enemy. My plans for the day were to work on homework, watch a movie by myself while eating chocolate, and not get too depressed.
I thought since basically everyone I know is in a relationship, that the last plan on the list would be hard to avoid, but it wasn't. Chad (my roommate) and I went to La Siesta. Yummy food and a margarita made me feel pretty good. We came back and played scrabble and watched some Lost. I got some love from my friends and gave some love, too. So what if it's just through text messages. That's how love is transmitted these days.
So the last thing on my list ended up being the only thing I accomplished. I tried to encourage a friend who was feeling down, did some yoga that made me feel good, and spent some quality time with my roomie. So Valentine's Day was just another Saturday for me. If it was more than that for you, then I hope you had a great time.